Archangel Michael

My heart is exploding this month to introduce this Archangel, whether you already know him deeply or it’s your first time learning about this magnificent Archangel! Welcome to the month of May!

This above photo is created by Artist Jane Delaford Taylor.
I loved this image and it really spoke to my heart with her creativity and how she shares her light with our world.

I thought May would be a great month to introduce Archangel Michael in a way that constructs joy and creativity for the month of May. I just realized myself as I introduce him, how much he works with our hearts, no matter where we are in the world. For me in this exact moment, I am writing in a crazy busy Starbucks, filled with noise and energies, but somehow my creating is soaring through without any disturbance from others. I don’t think it’s the Americano and oat milk I am drinking, but I truthfully voiced my heart to ask for this help before I entered Starbucks, creating the space so I could write while waiting for my daughters soccer to end.

Archangel Michael works with our destiny, like our voice can be heard over the noise of the world. He truthfully makes my heart and myself smile right now. I love his intervention, and I simply needed to trust, sit down and start my creativity.

Here is how he intervened with me. While ordering my Starbucks, as I zipped into the washroom before sitting down to write, I knew already this place is zinging with energy and it is loud. Typically this is quite the distraction for me, and I am grateful I have my AirPods listening to the White Light frequencies by Alana Fairchild, but the noise is still loud underneath my AirPods. So while in the bathroom, Archangel Michael’s voice became clear to all in Starbucks. Busy as a bee, everyone knew this creativity, which is why it became quieter in my heart, but not in the room. He was the intervention needed that helped all hearts receive his wisdom while I worked! It’s that so beautiful. It’s always a win win for everyone when we ask for help from the universe!

Creativity and Passion are his thing, as well as the protection and guidance he helps our world with. He was one of the first Archangel’s I was introduced to. Even in my teen years, I yearned for the help of Angels, and he was one that always instructed me.

I remember channelling him a few years back, while at Lake Louise, and during that meditation I could feel him and how much he honours all of us for the work we do. He knelt beside me, showing me that fear is just an illusion that doesn’t work for our highest good now, and I could feel his armour wrap around the earth, and this is why I felt his so strong today in Starbucks. I have worked with him through many workshops that I loved to teach, including one with Archangel Gabriel. They were just the starting point for me, as like the meditation I channelled years back, here I am today still writing about him. He is one known Archangel In our world and the more we work with him, the ddeeper connection we have with him.

The work I am doing tonight in Starbucks with me is my heart loving this moment, as I can hear great joy in the room. What great joy, loud, noisy, busy yet happy. I will always cherish this moment, as I was almost tempted to give up and leave, not feeling worthy of my time to create and write, which is my joy. I know this is Archangel Michael’s intervention, and everyone benefits.

Here is a great discussion you can have with Archangel Michael, just like his intervened at Starbucks for me. Don’t always trust what’s outside the box, instead create within it!! BADASS CREATIVITY breaks through challenging thoughts, and you may just discover your strength while creating or doing what you love to do.

For example: when we trust Archangel Michael and request him to release any fear in the room, our hearts are clear. For example, if you were teaching a healing class/meditation without knowing if you need Archangel Michael, let his vision be if you request no fear enter the room, and it shall be done. His intervention could look like no one enters the room after that, or everyone enters the room from a better state of mind.

I must say, the room is clearing up now in Starbucks, which is why this is also great creativity coming alive in all hearts. I just know it’s time for others to leave the room, create space, dive deeper into my own passion, and let out a roar of success for what I just accomplished myself. I could say the toilet saved me, but truthfully it was my creativity, and this is May’s newsletter.

I wanted to shift the energy of my newsletters a little, so I voiced my truth to the universe, to make something simpler for me, yet let others’ hearts receive joy and excitement. I wanted to create my newsletter with less time, as I need more space and time for reflection in my own life, where my heart rests with my family, on vacation, or just intervening in a way where life is super simple for me.

What could rest looks like if Archangel Michael said to you, “Let’s create something today”. What would that be for you? What would rest accomplish by letting creativity soar over stressing ourselves out with so much to do. Would our hearts be more clear, would great leaders arise from this?

I feel this is something beautiful you can receive from Archangel Michael, something he very much has helped me with while working in the light as a healer.

Ask Archangel Michael to help clear illusions, unnecessary guidance that isn’t true to your heart, or just silly nonsense that takes your heart away from your purpose. It is a very uplifting way to clear your heart and understand your purpose even deeper.

Let’s just put out a scenario where you are delivered a message, but your intuition questions it. You already know the answer. Love this, as this is a positive movement where such energies just suck the life out of us, and have nothing to do with your destiny. What can help you is knowing the difference between the two and listening to your heart what is true to you.

Creating passion helps us along our paths. Today, I trusted Archangel Michael, who wants to help our world love each other, make each other smile, work together, and see each other as simple as the next. Knowing each heart moves and directs energy by trusting in what works for them.

This next step with Archangel Michael is using his sword of light. This is an incredible sword, and trust me, I have asked for this many times on my path. Let’s say you want to get things moving, but instead you are in complete fear of the unknown. Archangel Michael’s sword can be your saving grace. He knows exactly what to do and how to use this sword to help all involved with the situation. He loves all, so his sword of light is incredible and directs the light exactly where it needs to go.

The doors that open are the help needed, and you don’t even need to worry about what it may cost you. As all around the globe, his light and direction is so incredible, it reaches everyone’s destiny because of it.

What if sorrow was released simply by asking him what serves your highest good, and then creating space to let that happen? What if joy became of it, would that help you ask for his sword of light to intervene in your life? All around the globe instructions are made simply by asking for what works for our hearts. Like the meditation I channelled at Lake Louise, his sword intervened in my life, creating light around me, so no darkness could enter while I filmed this for YouTube.

He reminds me gently now that my voice was very soft and intimated by his strength, which is why the work with Archangel Michael isn’t always easy, but the heart knows the movement. While creating that YouTube video, my voice was very soft, and I believe I cried for his love, and that sword for the first time created some joy on my YouTube video. He knows my heart, my voice, even my feet when I stood on the frozen lake, making a cute joke, that anyone can walk on water! That was from my friend who I travelled with.

Lake Louise is the etheric healing temple of Archangel Michael, and the beautiful serene lake is the vortex below. Many people feel this vortex, whether they are aware of it or not. I love seeing this place as an attraction for so many travellers, perhaps not even knowing how healing it is for their hearts!

We grow when we are challenged, and today writing in such a busy coffee shop, I keep reflecting on the goodness, the joy I feel, the strength, and I wonder how many people are watching me giggle and smile as I write….alone!

My heart can sing alone in a busy coffee shop, and working with high vibrational guides that make me giggle out loud for no nonsense. That is Archangel Michales trust with me. Would you join me in the room knowing I am talking the universe by myself, hilariously laughter out loud at nothing?????

This room is filled with light because of it. I love that! That’s the incredible work of Archangel Michael.

I am also excited to introduce you to some creative projects I have been working on, that have passion, worth, and excitement for every soul who reads them. I sat down with the universe and stated what I wanted to create. Through that came 44 cards of creativity, love and heart based movements.

Although I am not fully done creating the back side of them, this is my voice with them now. I have opened a huge door of my voice, from a place unseen to most reality, and these words can shift your heart, your throat chakra and your life, simply by feeling them. Perhaps your own creativity will shine in your own way the benefits all beings on this earth.

I introduced them at my retreat last month, and each individual described in their own way, their own view, what that card meant for them. The same card can reflect different journeys, so here is one I felt guided to share in May’s new letter.

I trust the view of others, as my initiation with Archangel Michael is my own strength, and my view is my view, which may be different than other light-workers or people I know in my life. I love that we can embrace this together, but have different views or ideas about the light.

Archangel’s Michael’s eyes are his own vision of what he works with, with our world, and he doesn’t compete with the other Archangel’s views on how they heal the world. Even Archangel Metatron is an example of a completely different Archangel. He is very strong with his Sacred Geometry, and invoking Metatron’s cube directs the light differently than Archangel Michael’s sword. What’s an incredible story about these two Archangels is that they can shift reality together, while knowing what works for one may not work for another. Metatron is clarity, Michael is protection. All souls can receive each direction and light from each Archangel, but they don’t actually work together. That’s the passion in you, and why each Archangel is different in everyone’s hearts.

Let’s say someone’s view on the light isn’t your reality of the light. One may work with Archangel Metatron and one with Archangel Michael. Both work and help all involved, but their differences help and benefit what works for them. Not all light works the same. We can trust their views, but our passion is our own way through to our destiny, and this reminds me of a story where I became challenged by another lightworker, who had very different instruction in their heart, and the more I begged for forgiveness from this lightworker, the harder it was to clear it. What came through was Metatron’s story to help me invoke the light again, and through my own rage, I discovered I was worthy of my own journey, simply by acknowledging what didn’t work for me. I love this person deeply with all of my heart, but I outgrew what didn’t serve me. I hope this is the help you may need to shift your reality for what works for you, not another, even if they describe it in a way that resonates with you. If it doesn’t create passion inside of you…it’s not worth taking that journey.

In conclusion, May Michael be your light, creativity, trust and intervention this month, perhaps if you need any sort of sign from the universe. Talk with him in a journal, that is an excellent way to connect to him and be open, as he may surprise you on your path with support in a way you have yet to discover. He can fill your room with light now, and if you have any prayers, simply request that he receives them and delivers them in a vast open space of unconditional love that benefits all.

May your My be filled with light, intuition, and freedom in your own way, in your own space, and may hearts benefit by you simply being you, exactly as you are in this moment,

Karen Neuls

Published by Karen Neuls

Welcome Beloved. My name is Karen Neuls, I am a Reiki Master/Karuna Reiki Master, Certified Akashic Records Practitioner, as well as a Practitioner of Saraswati Healing and The Kuan Yin Transmission. My biggest passion is learning and leaning more into the light, healing myself from within and creating through with joy, compassion, fulfillment, prosperity and love. I love to intend to keep awareness on myself to keep walking a divine destiny that is rare, organic and feels pure in my heart. I adore being a spiritual teacher, it always felt very organic for me, even though I was so shy when I was a young girl, but somehow my heart was directed always through intervention and it just grew within me. Alongside that, I deeply love connecting to the universe to create courses, classes and workshops that fill and inspire my heart and that serves for the highest good. It fills me with joy knowing how deeply moved and loved we all are on this earth. Surrendering and letting go of old ways of thinking, beliefs, even how things should be or expected, flowing to awakening the heart to the divine feminine, embracing no force, limits or conditioning is how I love to move on this earth. It’s not an easy task, my goodness, I continually am learning how deep we are loving the fact life is so supported from the universe, and to be in the heart is where I love to sing with the divine feminine. It is part of what I love to teach and bring forth to our world, to receive more harmony, peace and liberation. I welcome you, if your heart feels guided. 🌹 Namaste, Karen Neuls

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